Rain or Shine


Lesson Plans Art Activities
Bulletin Boards Learning Centers
Web Sites &

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Lesson Plans

Clouds Lesson

The students watch a PowerPoint presentation about clouds. It covers three basic clouds, cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. We then read the story It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. The kids then lay on their backs and imagine they are laying on the ground outside. They describe things they are "seeing" in the clouds. We then do the blow painting art activity.

Daily Weather Report

Each morning we log-on to the Weather Channel web site to check the weater forcast for our area. We also put up a picture representation on our calendar to keep track of the weather during this theme.

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Art Activities

It Looked Like Spilt Milk
Blow Painting

After reading the story, It Looked Like Spilt Milk, by Charles G. Shaw each student is given a blue piece of paper with a blob of white paint in the middle. The students use drinking straws to blow the paint around on the paper. After the paint dries the student looks at his/her painting and imagines it to be a picture of something. We then write on each paper, "It looked like ____________, but it wasn't _________________.

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Bulletin Boards

Different weather pictures and words are hung up for the kids to refer to when writing about the weather. Our weather calendar and the learning centers weather report are add to this same bulletin board.
The pictures created in the blow painting art are hung up with the signs, "It looked like spilt milk..." in front of the and "but it was just a cloud" at the end of them.

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Learning Centers

Writing Center:
Weather Reporter Station

Each child was given a picture of a TV with a blank screen. The students were to draw a weather report in the screen. On the back they were to write the report.

Art Center: Wind Socks

This center has enough pre-cut pieces of construction paper for each student. The two sizes needed are 6"X12" and 1"X12". There are also 1"X12" strips of colored tissue paper at the center. The students are to decorate the 6"x12" paper with a spring/weather picture. They glue that piece into a tube and attach the 1"x12" construction paper to the top for a handle. They then glue 5 different tissue paper strips to the bottom of the tube. These are then hung from the ceiling for a classroom decoration.

Kite Math

Each student gets a kite worksheet and some crayons. The first student rolls two dice and adds the number of dots on both dice. He/she then colors in the corresponding spot on the worksheet. If they roll a number that has already been colored in there are two free spots on the kite tail. After both free chances have been used then the student just loses a turn when rolling a number that has already been colored.

Four Seasons Collage

A large piece of bulletin board paper is folded into four sections. Each section is labeled with a season with a little illustration. The students use magazines to find pictures of things from each of the seasons and then gluing them into the correct spot on the paper.

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Web Sites & Technology

Cloud PowerPoint

PowerPoint describing three types of clouds, cirrus, stratus, and cumulus.
First Grade Weather Unit Books, poems, activities and links for primary weather unit
The Weather Unit Lessons plans for each subject area relating to weather
Clouds and Precipitation Site with good cloud pictures

Here Comes the Sun

Lots of information/tutorials about the sun

Weather Dude

Song clips and activities to teach kids about the weather

CNN Weather
The Weather Channel

Just enter your zip code to get current weather forcasts and maps for your area.

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