Bumble Bee Web Quest
for Kindergartners
Let's start out with a story about Buzzy the Bumble Bee.....
Click on Buzzy When you're done click on the Back button to come back to our quest.
Buzzy was gathering nectar in the story. Do you know where he takes the nectar when he is done?
Click on the hive to find out more. When you're done click on the Back button to come back to our quest.
How does Buzzy let all of his friends know about the yummy nectar he has found? I'll give you a hint... he likes the Macarena.
Click on the dancing bee to find out more... Remember to click the back button to return to us.
What does a be look like up close? Click on the bee button to get the close-up view
Other Bee Activities and Sites What do things look like to a bee? Bee poems and activities Another Buzzy Bee Story Bee Safety Information