Brandon D’s Kid Pix Pictures 02-03




M 9-18-02 mud

F 9-25-02 fire

B 10-2-02  bowling ball bat



S 10-9-02 Spiderman snake

J 10-23-02   jeans and Jeremy

P  10-30-02 principal and Polka Pig



H 11-6-02 haystack, Hanna and hat

D 11-13-02 disco ball, dad and dog

C 11-20-02  clock, candle and claws




A 12-11-02

E 1-8-03 rEd bEd

 Y 1-15-03 Yellow yak in a yard.




T 1-22-03 tennis shoes tomatoes tie

O 1-29-03  orange octopus ocean

Z 2-5-03-03 




K 2-12-03-03 The king and kid walking.

I 2-19-03-03  igloo, wig kitty

W 2-26-03 Whale in the water.




U 3-5-03 fUn bUn

L 3-12-03 Lion likes going to the library.

V 3-19-03  The Vikings visit




N 3-26-03Navina nice neice

G 4-2-03 Golden geese eat gum.

R 4-9-03  The race car ran over the rose.




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X 4-16-03 Lexis in a taxi.

Q 4-23-02 The queen is on the quilt