100th Day of School

100 Froot Loop Necklaces (Snack)
Each student counted out groups of 10 in different colors and then strung them onto string and got to snack throughout the da
100 Glasses
Students color and cut-out 100 shaped glasses to wear.
Learning Centers

100's chart puzzles-
100's charts were copied  onto colored paper two time to each color and laminated.  One of each color was cut into different shapes.  The students use a full 100's chart to put the puzzle together on.

100 Years Old
Each student was given a frame with "100 years old" at the top.  They each drew a picture of what they thought they would look like when they were 100 years old.

Measuring/Comparing 100
Each student in the group used the 100 collection he/she brought from home and layed it out in a line.  They compared who's collection was the longest and shortest and then discussed why they weren't all the same size.

Race to 100
Each student was give a copy of a 100's chart and a dice.  They rolled the dice and then colored the corresponding number of squares on their 100's chart until they reached 100.

100 Stamps
Each student had a booklet with 10 blank pages.  They used rubber stampers to stamp 10 stamps on each page, ending up with 100 stamps.

Weighing 100
Balance scales were placed in this center along with all of the students' 100 collections.  The students weighed and compared the different collections to see what weighed the most/least and the same.  They also tried different combinations to balance the scale.