Digital Photo Editing
Schedule for Presentation Examples
Photoshop 6.0 Photoshop 6.0
Image Ready Image Ready
3D Vista 3D Vista



  • Introduce instructor and student assistant

  • Introduce participants and their familiarity with digital photos and/or Photoshop 6.0

  • Go over schedule and assignments

  • Digital Camera Basics

Photoshop 6.0

Photoshop 6.0 is a premier digital photo editing software that allows you to do almost anything to an image you would want to.

  • Screen familiarity

  • Open pictures

  • Saving

  • Selection Tools

  • Painting Tools

  • Stamp tools

  • Erasers

  • Color and image adjusting

  • Text

  • Filters

  • Layers

Image Ready

Image Ready is a partner program with Photoshop where you can create your own animated Gif images.

  • Jump to button

  • Look at samples

  • Create animation from Photoshop project

  • Preview in browser

  • Saving

3D Vista

This is a virtual tour creating software that makes it very easy to create your own panoramic virtual tours.

  • Taking pictures basics

  • Bringing pictures in

  • Stitching pictures

  • Saving panorama

  • Putting panorama into viewer

  • Saving virtual tour

  • Putting virtual tour onto web page


You will have two assignments that will need to be completed for the Digital Photo Editing Strand.

Assignment 1:

You need to demonstrate the use of 10 different aspects of Photoshop.  This can be done on one photo or on 10 different photos.  I will come around to the computers and you will show me the completed image/images and explain what aspects you used.

Assignment 2:

You have the choice to either do an animated gif with Image Ready or a virtual tour with 3D Vista.

Image Ready: You need to have at least 10 frames within your animated gif.

3D Vista: Create and save a virtual tour.