Dawson’s Kid Pix Pictures 02-03




M 9-18-02 map mom

F 9-25-02 fireworks

B 10-2-02  bowling ball B



S 10-9-02 Sammy square, starfish

J 10-23-02   Jacob and Jackson

P  10-30-02 pumpkin, popsicle, puck




H 11-6-02 head, hills and human

D 11-13-02

C 11-20-02  candy, cookie, computer




A 12-11-02 cAndy cAne, Apple, bAsket

E 1-8-03 Emily and tEn

 Y 1-15-03 yarn yoyo




T 1-22-03 ten, tent, tractor

O 1-29-03  oats, orange ocean

Z 2-5-03-03 The zebra zig-zags in the maze.




K 2-12-03-03The king eating katchup.

I 2-19-03-03 The ice cream is melting.  The pill is sitting on the ground.

W 2-26-03 The water is making waves.  The web is sticking on the window.




U 3-5-03 The trUck is driving Up the bridge.

L 3-12-03 The ladybugs crashed legs and lips in the mountains.

V 3-19-03 




N 3-26-03 The nurse went to Neptune at night.

G 4-2-03 The golden gumball laid on the golden goose.

R 4-9-03  Riley and Mason race rockets in space.




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X 4-16-03 The fox in a box and he jumped out of the box.

Q 4-23-02 The queens quilt is covered with jewels.